Laser Therapy
Laser therapy involves the use of light energy to help treat various injuries. Our LiteForce Laser machine is a Class IV device which can deliver high amounts of energy compared to other lasers, safely within a designated period of time. It is for this reason, that it can penetrate more EFFECTIVELY to deeper tissue such as the back, hip and hamstrings muscles to have its effect. When the laser travels into body tissue, it provides energy that is absorbed by our cells. This energy causes the soothing heat which makes patients feel good. More importantly, this energy is what drives healing as it helps with the production of compounds to help our body heal.
Laser may be used to to treat various areas for the body to:
- Reduce acute or chronic pain
- Reduce swelling
- Improve circulation
- Aid tissue healing and growth
- Improve nerve functioning and repair
For a more information, please visit:
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy involves the use of ultrasonic sound waves to treat injuries. Depending on the settings used, ultrasound waves will penetrate the body to different depths and send small vibration forces to the tissues. The vibrations help to “massage” the tissues, provoke healing, and reduce pain.
Ultrasound may be used to treat variety of different body parts to:
- Reduce acute or chronic pain
- Reduce swelling
- Improve circulation
- Aid tissue healing and growth
- Improve nerve functioning and repair