Elbow & Wrist Pain

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Tennis Elbow denotes pain on the outside of the elbow. It is commonly caused by repetitive use, muscle weakness, or nerve irritation. Patients usually complain of pain with gripping and wrist extension movements. Treatment may involve the use of shockwave, acupuncture, and/or tailored exercise program. 

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

Golfer's Elbow denotes pain on the inside of the elbow that is commonly caused by overuse of the muscles that flex the wrist and fingers. Treatment success relies on proper assessment, use of modalities and physiotherapeutic exercises. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome refers to the irritation of the median nerve at the wrist. It may be due to overuse of the wrist flexor muscles, prolonged inactivity or trauma. The symptoms are of numbness and tingling in the thumb, index and middle finger. There is often pain especially at night.  Your physiotherapist can help you manage the symptoms by identifying and treating the cause, fitting your wrist with a suitable brace, and providing treatment to your wrist and nerve. We can also provide advice on ergonomics and activity modification to maintain your health and prevent further injury.

Trigger Finger

When your finger flexes there is a tendon attached to the tip of your finger and pulled by muscles in your forearm that glides under a sheath. 

Trigger Finger involves the thickening of the tendon sheath causing compression onto the tendon. The compression causes characteristic “locking” of the finger as the fingers curl in or straighten. 

Treatment often involves laser, acupuncture, shockwave, soft tissue massages and gradual progression of range of motion to help normalize the tendon. Your therapist will also provide you advice on activity modifications, assistive devices and exercise.

De Quervain’s Thumb (Tenosynovitis)

De Quervain’s thumb or tenosynovitis is the painful inflammation of the tendons that control the thumb. This is often caused by repetitive or forceful movements of the thumb or wrist. Physiotherapists may use various modalities to help reduce the pain, followed by taping or bracing and progressive strengthening.